Thursday 24 November 2011

24 Interesting Conversation Topics

24 Interesting Conversation Topics

Conversation Topics Mastery
Part 1/2:

“What are interesting conversation topics?”

I’ve asked myself that question a few years back when I decided I wanted to master the art of conversation. Since then I have religiously written down all topics for conversation I came across.

Every time I noticed myself or someone else talking about a great topic, I made a note of it. My list quickly grew to 24 topics for conversation.

In this article I will give you my those 24 interesting conversation topics to talk about.

You also get general advice on how to easily flow from one topic to the other. And at [part 2/2] of the conversation topics series you’ll find some conversation exercises to build your conversation confidence.

However, while this advice will for sure help you making better conversations, it's still the hard way of going about things.

The easy way is to get rid of your negative feelings and beliefs prior to having conversations. This way you will permanently feel at ease and because of this you have access to your natural social skills and you will naturally use the right topics as you won't have to think about it anymore :-)

Pick The Right Topics For Conversation:

To be great in choosing interesting conversation topics, you want to train yourself to become really good at picking up what the other person’s favorite conversation topics are.
You do this by carefully listening to what they’re saying.

When they speak passionately about something, or when they bring up a topic very often, then pick that topic and ask more about it.

The best conversationalists are able to find conversation topics that everyone involved wants to talk about.

The List Of Interesting Conversation Topics:

Before I give you the list, I want to share something. Because when I created the list of conversation topics I started to notice a few things.
After a few months I found out that it’s not really the topic itself that makes the conversation, but rather the person or people who speak about it.

I started to realize that when you speak with someone, it is important to speak of conversation topics that you are both interested in.

What you consider to be interesting conversation topics might be boring to your conversation partner. And vice versa.

When you talk about Star Wars with someone who doesn’t even know the series, you might be engaged and enthusiastic...

... but for the other party the conversation will get boring rather quickly.

When the other party starts to talk to you about her uncle’s stamp collection, and you are not passionate about collecting stamps, nor do you know her uncle...

... you will be searching for ways to escape the conversation!

So try to look for topics of conversation that you are both passionate about. This enthusiasm is contagious and makes for very great conversations.

This way you both really get into the conversation, you will connect, and everyone will be having a good time.

The 24:

TV shows
Relationships and dating
Holiday (Christmas, New Year, Thanksgiving etc.)
Have you ever...
Leisure time
Clothing and fashion
Marriage and children
Social life
What is happening in your environment right now
The latest news
Something they are wearing / you are wearing and why

When reading the list of interesting conversational topics above, keep in mind that certain topics fit better in the one situation, others better in the other.

Also, the more you converse with people, the better of a feel you get for which conversation topics to talk about.

Practice makes perfect!

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