Thursday 24 November 2011

Pet Chip Implant – Cat Returns Home After Five Years

Here’s a feel good story that will leave you feeling fuzzy inside, with a dash of Tech just to keep things on topic.

During the horrendous event that was Hurricane Katrina, Jennifer Noble sadly lost her beloved 2 year old cat ‘Scrub’. Eventually the family recovered from the loss and moved on with life.

Five years later and Jennifer Nobel received a call from the Humane Society of South Mississippi saying that they had Scrub in their custody. Naturally she was skeptical but followed it through anyway and through some miracle of technology, Scrub was returned to her.

So what had happened? Well it seems that Scrub had been fitted with a microchip implant and had wandered off after the Katrina event, over 15 miles away. A Gulfport woman had recently been feeding Scrub and had taken him to the Humane Society after becoming concerned for his well being during the coming winter.

After scanning the cat with a microchip reader, Scrubs identity and address were discovered leading to a very happy ending for one family.

So, if that isn’t good reason to get your pet implanted with a microchip, then I don’t know what is!

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