If you are in desperate need of money, what do you usually do? Most people would borrow money from friends and family. Others would get a loan. But, if you already have a loan and you would not want to add more it your existing loan, what can you do? If you have a computer and Internet connection, you are in luck. There are legitimate money making schemes online which you easily do on your own. If you are saying “I need money desperately”, you have come to the right place. We have got some brilliant ideas here which you should try yourself.
Sell your stuff on EBay or Craigslist. EBay and Craigslist are two of the most popular online sites where you can make money. Look at the stuff you have in your house. A lot of people accumulate stuff which they do not even need. Why not sell some of this stuff online and make some money too? Price your stuff attractively so that people will be enticed to buy them.
Take paid online surveys. There are many legitimate online survey sites today. Global Test Market is just one of them. Most of these surveys pay about $3 to $5 for each survey. Other sites allow you to accumulate points which you can use to make online purchases.
Make money with you own website. Setting up your own website does not take much as long as you know how to write. There are many free site building tools out there which you can use. Write about things which you have knowledge of. Are you interested in photography? Write about photography. Do you like arts and crafts? Write about it. Do you love dogs? Create a website about dog products and how to take proper care of dogs.
Work online. There are various sites online which pay freelancers for the services they render. Some good examples are oDesk and E-lance. Employers looking for people on these sites need people who can perform various tasks. If you are a good writer, you can get paid for writing by the hour or per article.
Do odd jobs. Walk the neighbor’s dog, babysit your neighbor’s daughter or do repair jobs. There are various people in the neighborhood that might need your services. You can also get a 2nd job which you can work on part time. It will give you additional income. You can try asking your manager to let you work longer hours too.
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